CR101 Radio TRANSCRIPTS LOGO 800x800
This is the CR101 Radio transcriptions download page. Here you will find all the various sermon and lecture series by R.J. Rushdoony that can be downloaded onto your computer and read on any digital device. Each series has been compressed in a .zip file that contain various eBook formats and even PDF files. Just click on the sermon or lecture series that you would like to download the transcripts for and place those on your digital device to read.
Apologetics (.zip) Aspects of Systematic Theology (.zip) Christ, Politics, and the Media (.zip) Christian Education: Christian Schools (.zip) Christian Education (.zip) Christian Reconstruction and the Future (.zip) Christian Reconstruction vs. Humanism (.zip) Christian Reconstruction (.zip) Corinthians (.zip) Creation and Providence (.zip) Deuteronomy (.zip) Economics, Money, and Hope (.zip) Elijah and Elisha for Today (.zip) Enemies in the Church (.zip) Eschatology (.zip) Exodus (.zip) Expositional Lectures (.zip) Foundations of Social Order (.zip) Green Paganism: Reconstructing the Church (.zip) Human Nature in It's Fourth Estate: Man in the State of Glory (.zip) Law and Life (.zip) Lectures on Politics and Liberty (.zip) Leviticus (.zip) Numbers (.zip) Obedience to God or Caesar? (.zip) Power, Family, Community, and Law (.zip) Religious earthquakes (.zip) Revelation (.zip) Romans (.zip) Sin and Perfection (.zip) Subversion and the United Nations (.zip) The Crown Rights of Christ the King (.zip) The Doctrine of Authority (.zip) The Book of Daniel (.zip) The Doctrine of Salvation (.zip) The Doctrine of Sin (.zip) The Doctrine of the Church (.zip) The Doctrine of the Covenant (.zip) The Doctrine of the Family (.zip) The Foundations of Social Order (.zip) The Future and Wisdom (.zip) The Future (.zip) The Gospel of John (.zip) The Great Commission and the Spirit (.zip) The Lives of Your Children are at Stake (.zip) The Mission of the Church (.zip) The Philosophy of Freud (.zip) The Sermon on the Mount (.zip) The Theology of the Land (.zip) The Theology of the State (.zip) The True Mediator: Hebrews and James (.zip) The World Under God's Law
