Dear Reader,
I hope this update of the CR101 Radio - Weekly Report finds you well.
This is the first of our new Weekly Reports that we will be publishing each week so that as everyone moves through their busy week they will not have to worry about missing any edifying and instructive content and episodes published by CR101 Radio.
Here is SWFL we recently had quite a bit of excitement that from hurricanes Helene and Milton that disrupted our publication schedule slightly, but everything has now passed and we are back to business as usual.
What to expect...Well, these Weekly Reports will be simple and to the point. We want to keep the Christian Community informed about the various projects that CR101 Radio is involved in and any progress that has been made each week. We will have are sections to each Weekly Update.
We will have first any small bits of information to our readers and listeners that may be important, then Updates on Progress on our various projects. Currently, we are working heavily on Remastering R.J. Rushdoony's Lecture Series, Creating Word-for-Word Professional Transcripts of R.J. Rushdoony's Lectures including a Ebook of such for easy reading, and publishing Christian Podcasts and Lectures and Audiobook every day.
Next we will be announcing the winners of the previous week's book give-a-way as well as informing you of the next R.J. Rushdoony book give-a-way and links for you to enter to win. We currently are giving away book bundle and sets each week. Each week will be different and we are packaging various books together into new bundle sets that we believe those interesting in learning more from R.J. Rushdoony will be benefitted by. So, be sure to pay attention each week and enter to win!
Lastly, You will find a full list of our week's published podcast episodes with links to each episode just in case you missed anything and wish to check out any of the content or episodes published that week.
Thank you for your time and interest in our content. We hope that you will find the content that we publish and produce edifying to you and your family!
📝 Projects Progress and Updates:
This week our team working on Remastering the Lecture & Sermon Series by R.J. Rushdoony have completed R.J. Rushdoony's 23 Lecture Series on "A Christian Survey of World History!" Listen to this newly remastered series by visiting the website here:

With this Remastered Series brings the number of Lecture Series that have been fully remastered to 32! You can find all of the Remastered Series currently available here:
We had a new podcast added to our Christian Podcast Network recently as well. "Message of the Kingdom" is the new podcast and it is hosted by Dr. Charles H. Roberts. To check it out and subscribe you can visit the new webpage for Message of the Kingdom here:

📚 R.J. Rushdoony Book Give-a-Way Results and Opportunities
🎉 Congratulations 🎉 to Faye S. from Knoxville Tennessee, winner of our October 5, 2024 Book Give-a-Way of R.J. Rushdoony's 5 Volume Commentary Set on the Pentateuch! 📚 Enjoy!
Our next book give-a-way book give-a-way will be underway next week and you will have until October 26, 2024 to enter to win an "Old Testament Commentary Bundle Set!" This set includes 4 physical books:
- Chariots of Prophetic Fire
- Thy Kingdom Come
- Sermons in Obadiah & Jonah
- Sermon in Zephaniah, Haggai, & Zechariah
Enter to win this 4 book bundle here:

All of our upcoming Book Give-a-Ways can be found on our Events Page here: Check back regularly so you don't miss your opportunity to win!
🔊 This Week's Published Podcasts:
Click on the Episode Name to Listen!
Saturday - October 12, 2024:
The Easy Chair - Episode #61 (January 5, 1984)
An Informed Faith (Audiobook) - The Myth of Socialization
A Word in Season (Audiobook) - Learning and Wisdom
Sunday - October 12, 2024:
The Institutes of Biblical Law - Nakedness
Good Morning, Friends (Audiobook) - The Cross
A Word in Season (Audiobook) - Can Experience Teach?
Monday - October 12, 2024:
Out of the Question Podcast - Is America Being Disinherited By God?
A Word in Season (Audiobook) - Pruning
Tuesday - October 12, 2024:
Rushdoony Radio - The Power to Kill (Doctrine of Authority)
An Informed Faith (Audiobook) - The Love of Death
A Word in Season (Audiobook) - Testing and Purity
Wednesday - October 12, 2024:
Our Threatened Freedom - Are We Moving Into Slavery?
Faith & Action (Audiobook) - Let My People Go!
A Word in Season (Audiobook) - Personal Problems
Thursday - October 12, 2024:
Rushdoony Radio - Authority and Life (Doctrine of Authority)
Good Morning, Friends (Audiobook) - The Easiest Questions
A Word in Season (Audiobook) - Humility
Friday - October 12, 2024:
A Word in Season (Audiobook) - Happiness

CR101 Radio, LLC
Mailing Address: 3250 Bonita Beach Rd. Ste. 205 #115 Bonita Springs, FL 34134
Phone: 941-999-1578
Contact: Jeremy Walker