Chapter 5
The Alternative: The Grace Community School Model of Christian Education
An Investment
We have discussed both government schooling—the public school—as well as mainstream Christendom’s answer to it, the so-called Christian school. Now it is time to introduce the best model, one that combines a fantastic family business with the education of the family children—the Grace Community system. At this point, you are probably skeptical. I would be too!
I am always skeptical of those claiming to have a wonderful system they want to share with you, especially if they advertise financial gain for those who use the system. If it’s so good, why do the owners of the system not just keep the system for themselves and use it for their own benefit? We could certainly do that. For the Christian, however, pure financial gain is not to be the primary motivational factor (something to keep in mind when you see Christian ministries and TV personalities constantly begging for money). Our goal is to glorify God and advance His kingdom.
There is tremendous financial gain to be had using the Grace Community model. To corroborate this, I urge you to read Dr. Ellsworth McIntyre’s book How to Become a Millionaire in Christian Education. It is definitely a ministry that does not neglect its ministers. But much more than this, the GCS model is a way to transform the lives of Christian families who use it and those they teach. It is a true evangelical tool, one that the church refuses to use (indeed, could not use). The name “Grace Community” was not chosen by its founder on a whim. Grace Community School is used by God to bring grace to the communities it serves. We have been tremendously blessed for doing so.
Those who have been blessed by God have a responsibility to use those blessings to advance God’s Kingdom. Like the servants in the Parable of the Talents (Matt. 25:14–30), we at Grace Community School have been given many talents. It is my intention in this book to, Lord willing, invest some of those talents with you, my readers. Like the wise investor of that parable, I would very much like to hear my Lord say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matt. 25:23a). To keep our “trade secrets” to ourselves, as financially wise as that might seem from a selfish perspective, is to risk the Lord saying at the judgment seat, “Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents” (Matt. 25:28). I do not want this. If I can help you to earn a greater reward, my reward will also be greater!
I will refer again to the family mentioned in the introduction, superior to those around it and utterly blessed by God. Laboring together in a common mission, bringing grace to so many people, educating the little children in their school in God’s ways. They can truthfully say, “My cup runneth over.” Let me show you how our system, the Grace Community School system, is superior to all other methods of childhood education. That family can be your family!
It’s Homeschooling, But Better
Besides Christian schools, increasing numbers of families are taking full responsibility for the education and rearing of their children through homeschooling. Perhaps you are already using this method, or are at least familiar with it. As promising as this method is, it is not without major downsides. It also has many positives, all of which can be enhanced by using the GCS system. Far from being opposed to homeschooling, the Grace Community model can perhaps be described as “homeschooling perfected”—all of the benefits of homeschooling, none of the negatives.
Homeschooling is often viewed as a necessary hardship, a sacrifice the family must make for the good of its children. Well and good. But the Grace Community model turns homeschooling into something you will feel privileged to be able to do. It is a great blessing, not a hardship. Your children will become coworkers with you, not burdens. In fact, children are great capital in the Grace Community system. They are an integral part of the ministry and business. As your children grow older and more skilled, you will wonder how you could ever run the school without them. Schooling them alongside you within the business makes this possible. Your children become your greatest assets.
I have seen this firsthand in our most established Grace Community School family of managers, the Harrison family. They are a family of father and mother and eleven children. Their oldest children have now gone on to become managers themselves, and the oldest daughter is married with a family of her own. All continue to work in our ministry.
The Importance of Discipline
One of the primary advantages of homeschooling (including Grace Community) over other ways to educate children, especially over using public schools, is the increased freedom to practice biblical discipline. Despite what you may have heard, discipline is among the real “lost tools of learning”—it is frighteningly neglected amongst even Christian parents, and the results are catastrophic. The maxim, “the disciplined mind works best” couldn’t be more true. I don’t know how often I have seen a Christian family’s testimony marred by neglect of basic child discipline. If your children are out-of-control and unable to listen to anything they are told, don’t be surprised when you have difficulties with homeschooling!
For true education to be possible, chastisement and discipline must come first. As Scripture tells us, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Prov. 9:10a). When children don’t have the self-control to hear and follow directions, stay on task, and ultimately motivate themselves, learning is not going to happen. Instilling a holy fear of the Lord into a child is the kindest thing the Christian teacher or parent can do for that child. This requires training and discipline on the part of the adult. For some this comes easily, for me it did not. The greatest struggle of my early teaching years was the development of classroom control. You cannot help another person gain self-discipline unless you yourself have it.
Technique is part of it, to be sure, but theology is more commonly the major stumbling block for Christian teachers. In fact, it is one of the most common points of failure. In essence, teachers, even if they affirm a belief intellectually, act as though the doctrine of human depravity does not apply—at least not to the sweet, innocent children in their classroom! They just cannot get it through their heads: permissiveness is not love! “Love” the children emotionally, and they will love you back, does not work. Believe me, I’ve seen it tried again and again. The experienced teacher knows children require discipline before they are ready to be taught. When a teacher enters an unruly classroom, he does not begin the lesson right away—he first gains control of the classroom, and maintains it during the lesson. So it must be with the parent when teaching his or her own children. Many parents have great difficulty with this.
Good parents and teachers, however, have accepted the necessity of chastisement and strong discipline for their children and students. They know what needs to be done, and are willing to do it. Here comes the next struggle: interference by others. The discipline in most Christian schools, let alone public schools, is abysmal. Parents will have little success finding an ally here. Woe to the parent who tries to take matters into his own hands! He will not be supported by the school. Your child’s teacher is much more likely to be the government’s stooge rather than the parent’s friend. It isn’t all the school’s fault.
In many respects, the hands of the Christian school are tied when it comes to maintaining discipline. Intrusion by state officials who have been brainwashed by humanist psychology, and lawsuits from reprobate parents, have made maintaining discipline a challenge easier to shrink from than face. Increasingly, even “time out” is seen as a horrible thing to give a child. To quote from a government inspector at one of our schools, “Time-out is harsh discipline.” This is even worse than it sounds, since Florida child abuse law declares so-called “severe discipline” (undefined by statute) in any form to be child abuse. This inspector’s clear implication (a view shared by many in my experience) was that those who use time out at all are guilty of child abuse!
Far from being the views of an isolated nut job, these beliefs are affirmed by “child development experts.” In their literature and classes, it is maintained (backed up by science, we are assured!) that time outs hurt children emotionally and developmentally. Furthermore, it is ineffective and hurts self-esteem, too. Even one minute of time-out is far too long for a toddler, I was told once. You can just imagine how they feel about corporal punishment! Chastisement is bad, in any form. What does God say about these experts? “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil” (Isa. 5:20a). Biblical chastisement and discipline is commanded of the Christian parent and teacher. The hampering of parents and teachers in their child training duties is a grievous crime.
Grace Community Schools has worked hard to overcome some of these handicaps to correction. In our facilities we heavily utilize a creative system of rewards and “punishments” (i.e., the taking away of rewards). The technical term for this is “positive reinforcement.” When this system is applied consistently and according to biblical principles, it is quite effective. Rewards are given for good behavior (the keeping of the Ten Commandments), and rewards are taken away for bad behavior (the breaking of the Ten Commandments). This, by the way, is how the real world works, but most people are too blind to see it. To operate in today’s school environment and still maintain discipline, Grace Community School has had to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” Our success has been great. I will have more to say about this later.
Nevertheless, do not expect to be able to place your children in any school apart from you, with other people, and expect to maintain the same level of discipline that is possible when your children are with you. Even well-intentioned school administrators and teachers are greatly hindered in the task of applying biblical discipline to the students in their care. No such restraints tie the hands of the Christian school manager family when disciplining and chastising their own children at their own school. With your own school, your children are always with you, a much better setup than having to deal with events at a school miles away from work, or limiting yourself to handling discipline matters yourself after school hours.
A Trade
Another prime advantage of the Grace Community system is the education you can give your children while they are with you at work all day. Education becomes much more than reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic. The GCS model allows you to give your children a trade. No other school can match that! References are sometimes made to the “school of life.” Well, Grace Community Schools is a school of life. An adult with no way of providing for himself is one not truly ready for life. Knowledge of a trade is necessary.
The dictionary defines a trade as “an occupation pursued as a business or livelihood.” A trade is more than just “a job,” it’s a set of skills, knowledge, and experience needed to provide a livelihood doing a particular job. Education for the children of those running a Grace Community School becomes a whole life education, in all it’s various aspects. Business experience, teaching experience, managing a paycheck, learning to deal with and manage people, building character traits like discipline and reliability—all are part of the education one receives at GCS. Academic subjects are there, too, but they are just one facet of this whole-life instruction.
One of our society’s many problems is that students who graduate from our educational system are not equipped for any kind of real-life work. All they know (if they know anything) is how to spit up the answers they’ve rehearsed for a test. I know, I’ve worked with many, many of these people over the years. There is no good reason for this to be so. The process of training these individuals is painful for both the trainer and trainee. A person with a college diploma who doesn’t know how to clean a bathroom has a lot of maturing to do before he or she is ready for the workforce. Being a good Christian school owner/manager/teacher requires a very wide range of practical skills. Yes, even knowing how to properly clean a toilet. Rather than waiting until their schooling is complete, children should be taught these skills at an early age. The Grace Community School model allows this to happen. We didn’t invent this; it is the model that has traditionally been followed throughout history. We are simply returning to it.
Why should your children waste their high school years on abstract academic minutia, then go off to college to risk their sexual purity and spend thousands upon thousands of dollars for a piece of paper? God will one day call upon us to give an account of what he has given us. I do not want to explain to God why I sacrificed my children to the idol of “higher” education and squandered money that should have been spent advancing God’s kingdom. The value of a college degree is steadily decreasing, and it pains me to see so many Christians, even homeschoolers, still chasing after it. (I am not decrying the value of becoming properly credentialed in your chosen field, just the standard model of gaining those credentials. I will have more to say about this later.)
I have certainly not always thought this way. Only after I saw what could be accomplished in an apprenticeship program did I change my mind, and that after much prodding by the Holy Spirit. I realized people I knew or had talked to who had attended universities were not better off for the experience. Having children of my own also clarified my thinking. I don’t know how many times I’ve talked to parents at our schools who were unsatisfied with their lives for a multitude of reasons. Their chosen remedy? Getting a college degree. The idea saturates our culture. It takes courage and the wisdom of God to go against it.
Instead of college, why not apprenticeship? Grace Community Schools is firmly committed to this method of education. In addition to using it with our own children, we also make this training available via our three-year apprenticeship program. You start with the basics, and work your way up. You will always learn through real-life, on-the-job experiences at one of our schools. After gaining experience in the classroom, you will move on to management training. You will also receive a seminary-level course of study in systematic theology and biblical law—the Christian teacher/manager must have a foundation in theology. We will also assist you in procuring the credentials necessary to work in the early childhood educational field. Hard work and faith is essential, but for those who persevere, it is worth it.
For a non-homeschooling parent, the thought of being wholly responsible for the education of your children may seem daunting. You are not alone. There is a reason for this. It is an extremely well-cultivated fable in our day and age: that the certified teacher is necessary for a proper education. It is a myth established to increase dependency on government-trained “experts” in education.
How do I know this? Well, I have a teaching degree. I have taken hour upon hour of government childcare classes. I must take more classes each year—“in-service training.” I am certified. Has all this education helped me be a better teacher? Hardly. In my experience, the poorest teachers are the ones who put the most stock in their credentials and degree. Education for teachers is at best an exercise in abstraction. At worst, it is damaging, brainwashing bunk. A certified teacher is not a better teacher, merely a brain-washed teacher, a slave to the state. Furthermore, the state makes certain that their certified teachers are kept current in their brain-washing through in-service training, seminars, and professional publications.
The teachers I have worked with who were least suited to the education of children have been the ones who came to me with credentials. They were the least suited because they mistakenly believed that they actually knew something about teaching. A person who knows they know nothing can be trained. Retraining a person convinced that they know the best way to do something is well nigh impossible. A teaching degree is worthless if you are actually interested in education. It is actually a handicap if you put any stock in it. Grace Community Schools has had the misfortune of hiring teachers in the past who had teaching degrees. Some of these people were unable to list the letters of the alphabet alphabetically. Their “education” was a stumbling block to them. They knew nothing, not even the fact that they knew nothing.
Here is the thing: “teaching” is not hard. Teaching children the basics of reading and mathematics is all too easy, if you follow the right system. Maintaining classroom discipline, now that is something different. No parents should be reluctant to homeschool for fear that they aren’t up to the task of academic instruction. Faith in God and determination more than make up for any intellectual deficiencies a parent might have. Christian parents are commanded by God to bring up their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. If you are sincere about this, God will make a way for you to successfully fulfill your obligations. God’s blessing upon your endeavor is worth far more than any kind of certification.
The phonetic instruction program used at Grace Community School is so simple that you can learn the basics with a few days training. You can do it. There are people who can help you, not the least of whom are the people in our apprenticeship program.
The devil’s combination of compulsory schooling and mandatory teacher certification has not helped our country’s children receive better educations. In fact, the opposite is true. Literacy rates in America before compulsory schooling were higher than after. Never has there been more stringent regulations and government control over teacher certification than in today’s public schools. How do you like those literacy rates now? Studies have found no correlation between teacher education and student academic achievement. Parents should in no way feel that they need a teaching degree or some other magic paper to properly educate their own children. Follow the curriculum, stick with it, and your children will learn.
As for the more advanced courses: a child who is self-motivated can learn nearly anything, assuming he or she has an aptitude for it. I taught myself almost all of my high school classes. However, the high school classes are typically the classes that are the least important for real-life work—a focus on abstract “higher education” courses is not God’s will for most of us.
Even with all the reasons to educate your own children, some families find themselves unable to make the sacrifices needed, especially the financial ones. Here is the genius part of the Grace Community School system: in this business model, you are essentially being paid to educate your own children. Mother and father can both work, but they work as God intended, side-by-side in a common calling. Rather than drive the family apart, the parents’ occupation actually brings the family closer together. Instead of being a one-paycheck family, you become a two-plus-paycheck family. The plus is your own children adding to the profitability of your labor.
Even after as many years as I’ve been working in Grace Community Schools, it is still astounding when I think about it: these heathen parents pay me to not only educate their children in the things of God, but to educate mine as well. The ungodly finance the godly, of their own free will. This system is like a scholarship, but better. Furthermore, I need not feel guilty, as if I were ripping someone off or receiving charity. “The laborer is worthy of his reward.” The marketplace says that the services my family and I provide to our patrons are very much worth the price we charge. In fact, we charge less for our product than the market would demand. No one is getting a raw deal; everyone wins. The parents of our students win because we charge so much less than the competition, our students win because they receive a top-notch Christian education, and we win because we earn not only a great heavenly reward, but make a wonderful living in the here-and-now.
What is even better is this: the Grace Community School model enables you to have nearly total control over every aspect of your children’s education. You are in charge. You are free to set your own school hours and months for your children. Extracurricular activities are entirely up to you. Your children can go through the lesson material at whatever pace you want—no one is there to tell you what to do with your own children.
You will be amazed at how much stronger your family will be when education is under the control of the family. In fact, everything becomes focused on the family. The more the family is able to do, the better. The Grace Community School system puts education, earning a living, religious instruction, and socialization under the control of the parents. Strong families produce strong children. Unlike when your kids attend a Christian school, you may choose whichever curriculum you want. Alternatively, you can pick and choose from many different curriculums. You are the principle, school board, and teacher all in one. In essence, you answer only to God for what you teach. Also, unlike a regular Christian school, education is not limited to academic esoterica. You can teach your children whatever you want! The goal of education is to prepare children for living. There is no better way to do this than our system. It really is a whole-life education.
Don’t Fear the Truant Officer
The homeschooling movement has made vast strides in the preceding decades. At no other time since before the twentieth century has it been more nearly mainstream for parents to educate their children as they see fit. Still, we have a long way to go. There are still many prejudices for the homeschool family to overcome. Many people still see it as an oddity, perhaps something only for the licensed and degreed teacher to attempt. Even worse are the brainwashed public school graduates who believe that homeschooling should be illegal! The public school wants all of the children. I think of the Child Catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Unfortunately, the truant officer and his supporters are not always as easy to identify.
The Grace Community School system neatly sidesteps many problems. Since your homeschooling operation will be under the auspices of a recognized school (your business), you can homeschool free from worry of persecution. This has been a tremendous blessing to my family, and I would like for God to bestow this blessing on you and yours.
Growing up, I heard horror stories about truant officers and social service workers. As an adult, I have talked with people who have had run-ins with those the government sent to “assist” them and their children. One man found, to his surprise, that he could not paddle his child in the parking lot of a Perkins restaurant. I’ve known parents who were extremely reluctant to disclose the fact that they have not given their children all the immunizations the state thinks they should have. They have good reason to be wary: such activity is quite suspect in the eyes of government experts. Not giving a child something an ivory tower doctor deems “medically necessary” is automatically labeled “child neglect.” The doctrine of parental rights has greatly eroded, and it is a scary world for parents out there. My additional reading about these matters has not lessened my apprehension about government interference in the personal matters of families, including homeschooling.
The dictionary defines sovereignty as “supreme and independent power or authority in government as possessed or claimed by a state or community.” It is very important to remember that the public school (and its master, the government) claim sovereignty over our children. The act of homeschooling is an assault on the state’s claim to sovereignty, as all too-many homeschoolers have found out firsthand. The state is always looking for reasons to deny you your God-given parental rights. Do not give it more of an opportunity than you need to.
Make no mistake: the civil government believes homeschoolers are a threat to the prevailing social order. The Department of Homeland Security even lists homeschooling on lists of traits identifying a person as a potential terrorist threat! I’ve never met a homeschooler I thought was a potential terrorist, but I have known many who were extremely skeptical about the humanistic state and its fiat decrees. Our enemies are shrewd; they know who they need to fear. Unfortunately, there are misguided patriotic (read: idolatrous) folk who believe not using the good old US of A’s public education system makes a person “un-American.”
This brings us to the problem of those pesky neighbors. Scripture commands us to “as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men” (Rom. 12:18). Unfortunately, this instruction is not followed by all, especially by neighborly do-gooders. There will likely be people in your neighborhood who will consider it their self-appointed duty to “look out” for the children. They will, of course, know better than the children’s parents what is best for them. The true believers in the “it takes a village” method of child-rearing will find your homeschooling efforts inadequate. They may find it very difficult to wrap their heads around the fact that homeschooling is, in fact, legal. Such people may believe that they need to phone in a tip to the local Department of Children and Families, for the good of the children, of course. If you believe that government social workers are neutral where homeschooling is concerned, I have some bad news for you.
It is sobering to realize that we in the United States have it good compared to most of the world, the European Union in particular. Here, at least, homeschooling is not illegal, and is in fact becoming more mainstream each year. Homeschoolers here still face challenges, but the Grace Community School system makes it even easier to break free from the mainstream. Don’t you want all the help you can get?
As far as objections to homeschooling are concerned, the 800-lb. gorilla is the issue of socialization. It sounds suspiciously like “socialism.” Supposedly, a socialized individual is better able to operate in society without undue awkwardness. In reality, this often means the person in question has a greater knowledge of pop culture than a more “sheltered” person, or just has lower morals. Often when you hear this word, particularly when used by childcare experts, it means social-conditioning. Have you ever heard a person referred to as “well-adjusted?” Who does the adjusting, exactly? The public school calls a person who fits in with the crowd and doesn’t make waves, “socialized.” We will use the term in a more benign manner, defining it as “skilled in social interactions.”
It’s become quite the stereotype that homeschoolers universally suffer from a “lack of socialization,” ignoring the fact that lack of socialization is preferable to socializing with the wrong people. Is this stereotype true? Not in my experience. Homeschoolers are pretty much like most people in this regard. Some are extremely outgoing, others more introverted. This is a result of personality differences, not a result of going to public school or homeschool.
I lean towards introversion; it’s part of who I am. I was like this before I began to homeschool as a child, and I don’t think continuing to attend public school would have made a difference. As I have said earlier, it’s not that I didn’t have friends, or that my parents kept me away from people—they did not. God made me naturally less outgoing than some other people. I had social interactions, but my socialization was not unrestricted. And that is as it should be.
It is true that being around people and interacting and playing with others does help children. The saddest children I see in my schools are often from single-child homes. Even sadder is that so many parents, even ones claiming the name of Christ, consciously choose to have only one child, or two at most. The first and foremost place for Christian socialization should be the family, and that requires being fruitful and multiplying. Family socialization is a very good thing! A child from a large family has a big advantage when it comes to social interactions. My children each have roughly forty cousins (and counting) to play with. From what I’ve seen of the children who attend our school, my kids are better socialized than the average child who only has school and maybe a few neighborhood friends to hang out with. That being said, we are not called to raise our children as hermits or monks, never leaving the home except for socially inept interactions with store clerks and fast food cashiers. Our children will be living in this world, and do need to know how to interact with others, even those they should not emulate.
Many homeschoolers fulfill this need through things like homeschooling clubs, youth groups, and so forth. I have participated in these. They can be a good thing, albeit with some caveats. I have said that homeschoolers are not that different from people in general, and that fact should cause parents to show some caution with things of this sort—the kids in the church youth group aren’t necessarily any more virtuous than the kids down the street, and are often just as well-supervised!
No matter where the socializing takes place, peers should not be your children’s role models, in general. In the public school (or Christian school, for that matter), peers are the de facto measuring stick for behavior, dress, attitudes, and just about everything else. Peers define culture, in other words. These peers may think they are creating this culture, but in actuality they are mimicking what they see on television and what they learn in the classroom, and then lowering that standard a little bit further. It’s more or less a hive mind with a least common denominator morality. Even the nonconformists do their nonconforming as a group (just look at tongue rings and tattoos).
We, the managing families of Grace Community School, have a solution to the socialization issue. In fact, I believe that our system offers an ideal setup for socialization. It is the opposite of public school socialization, where peers guide interactions and are the ones looked to for advice and morality. Our children interact with children from other homes, getting to see the differences between other children and themselves, without being pressured to become like those other children. Do you want your child to be a witness to other children, salt, light, and all that good stuff? This is the way to do it. It is a fantastic way for children from outside homes to see an actual biblical family in action. They see my wife, my children, and I working together and following God’s commands. We do make a difference in the lives of children by our witness. For many children, Grace Community School is the only place they will ever see such a family. My children contribute to this.
My children have come to me to ask questions about the other kids and their families. It has given me good opportunities to discuss things like why some kids have only one parent, or why other kids have separated parents, or why some kids say and do things that they know are not good. It is controlled socialization. I know that my children will enter the world aware of the problems and immorality that infest it, and they will already have the solution to those problems: God’s law.
Making Homeschooling a Truly Christian Ministry
The Christian family has a prerogative to first educate and take care of its own children. The Scriptures are clear that no Christian is to sacrifice his family for the sake of any ministry, no matter how important. “But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel” (1 Tim. 5:8). For most Christians, just doing this is plenty enough. It is more than many can manage. However, the Grace Community School system allows you to do much, much more.
Few Christian workers are more venerated than the missionary. What could be more pleasing to God than a family of missionaries, ministering and teaching little children, most of whom have never heard of Jesus Christ or the Ten Commandments? A family of missionaries is exactly what you will be, serving the children and families in your own community. Yes, you will be educating your children, but also potentially hundreds of other children as well. Your blessings will expand exponentially with the number of children you faithfully teach. Ofttimes Christians looking for ministry opportunities neglect to first look in their own backyards. You don’t need to travel to Africa to find needy children desperately in need of the Gospel.
There is another difference between Grace Community School missionaries and the more familiar ones, and this is very important: your ministry is self-supporting. Your product is one people will find worth buying. What Grace Community Schools provides helps every aspect of a child’s life.
We help monetarily because we offer childcare at the lowest price possible. Do you want to help the poor? We offer low prices, and also sponsor low-income families through our church funding program. We do not receive charity, but we do provide it. Since its inception, our church has donated more than seventy-thousand dollars to poor families in need of childcare.
We help spiritually because we are the only ministry offering biblical theology adapted to the level of the children we teach. Child development experts talk ad nauseam about developmentally appropriate practice, about how best to help children expand cognitively, emotionally, socially, physically. Not enough is said about how children’s mental and emotional development is affected by spiritual development (or lack thereof). Children, like all of us, are created in God’s image. When no emphasis is placed on God and how he wants us to live, all of the child suffers. God’s law cannot be broken without dire consequences psychologically, emotionally, and physically. We want children to avoid the punishment that comes from a life of sin.
We help educationally, because we are the only ones teaching reading in our community. Other childcare centers offer no more than babysitting with a large dose of humanism, but no real education. Grace Community Schools is different, offering an education no one else in our community offers to the public at any cost.
Homeschooling with the Grace Community School model is much more than just homeschooling. It is homeschooling that pays for itself, and allows you an opportunity to receive incredible blessings from God for ministering to an entire community of children. It is homeschooling that affects the lives of others. We will not be able to see clearly in this life the impact we have made in the world, particularly where children are involved. No child exists in a vacuum. He or she is linked to many other individuals and families. When God works on one person, others are blessed for generations to come. Homeschooling the Grace Community way is the most rewarding thing I can think of. You won’t just be educating your own children, you’ll also be educating, proselytizing, and making a difference in the lives of potentially hundreds of children and their families. Is it worth it? God says, “Yes.”