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Grow Up and Get Married

Rebuilding Christian Society

Rev. Conrad Long

Preschool Manager, Preacher, Blogger

Grow Up and Get Married

By: Conrad Long

The average age of marriage continues to rise throughout the West. Originally, this trend was a result of Christian influence, as child brides went out of fashion and parents sought to make sure their children were ready to establish a godly marriage. Unlike the Roman and early medieval periods though, we do not have a problem with parents marrying their 12 year old daughters off to strengthen family alliances. On the contrary, we have 20 and even 30 somethings being told to “enjoy life,” “discover yourself,” and “see the world.”

Of course, these are just excuses to justify a widespread refusal to grow up, although if they really think that the only way to “enjoy life” is being “wild and free,” that could help explain the skyrocketing rates of depression. The rootless, child-free lifestyle has a growing pile of data demonstrating just how miserable its subscribers are. But they continue trumpeting their poor life choices from the rooftops.

Far too many Christians don’t seem to realize how harmful this mantra is though. Even though they may recognize how foolish it is to value cats over children, and countries visited over quality family time, many teach their children a slightly watered down version. “You should make sure to get married eventually, but… take your time enjoying life first.” And voila, you have lots of grown up kids who aren’t ready to grow up yet.

Do you really want to enjoy life? Maybe you should enjoy building a family and a real life instead of a fantasy that will die when you wake up one day and you’re 38. Do you want to discover yourself? Maybe you should discover what God made you to become. Do you want to see the world, before it’s too late? Maybe you should open your eyes, and see the world that’s right in front of you.

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